Google Images научился искать GIF-анимацию

от автора

Сервис поиска картинок Google Images пополнил возможности фильтрации изображений, добавив новые пункты «Animated» и «Transparent». Теперь gif-анимацию и изображения с прозрачным фоном искать стало гораздо проще.

О нововведениях в Google Images копмания расказала на своей страничке в социальной сети Google+:

Even if you’re a fan of animated gifs—say you were the first to email your friends the slow loris very slowly eating a rice ball (—you may not know that the origins of animation go as far back as 1879 and Eadweard Muybridge’s “zoopraxiscope” (see our doodle homage to Muybridge: Gifs have been around since 1987 and have become the de facto standard for short animations on the web, from pony glitter text ( to grumpy cat memes (

Starting today, there’s an easier way to unearth those gems: when you do an image search, click on “Search tools” below the search box, then select “Animated” under the “Any type” dropdown box.

We’ve also added a second handy filter: if you’re after the perfect picture of Easter basket clipart ( but must have one with a transparent background, simply select “Transparent” under the “Any color” dropdown box.

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