AurumXchange похоже не все в порядке

от автора

Не все нынче спокойно в королевстве датском. Следом за LibertyReserve, необычное начало происходить с другим крупнейшим обменником электронных валют AurumXchange. Команда обменника начла рассылку вот таких писем, с сообщением о прекращении работы с ваучерами:

Dear VouchX Merchants,

In lieu of recent events in the industry, VouchX has decided to suspend operations effective June 10, 2013. In order to facilitate the disbursement of funds on the system, the ability for merchants to create new vouchers has been disabled effectively immediately.

Please note that customers will be able to redeem outstanding vouchers through merchants automatically (including AurumXchange) until June 10, 2013. After that date, any outstanding voucher will have to be claimed following the instructions at the VouchX website.

We will begin the process of cashing out your VouchX balance effective immediately. Please let us know how would you like to receive your funds. At this time, we can offer cashing you out by a wire transfer, a SEPA transfer (for EUR balances), MtGox funds, or Bitcoins (at the latest MTGOX ASK).

We apologies for the inconvenience that this might cause you. Please contact us promptly with the information on how would you like to receive your funds remaining in the system.

The VouchX team

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