Подготовка среды и компиляция Shareaza сегодня

от автора

Shareaza — свободный файлообменный клиент и менеджер закачек для Windows с поддержкой протоколов Gnutella, Gnutella2, eDonkey2000, BitTorrent, DC++, FTP и HTTP. Умеет работать с magnet-, ED2K-, piolet- и Gnutella-ссылками, а также со стандартными HTTP- и FTP-ссылками. Переведён на 27 языков.

© Wikipedia

Итак я решил делать случайно-последовательную загрузку в клиенте Shareaza.

Посмотрел код на сайте. http://sourceforge.net/p/shareaza/code/9293/tree/trunk/shareaza/DownloadTransfer.cpp#l375 Судя по всему именно здесь и происходит вся магия. Но до модификаций нужно скомпилировать и установить Shareaza. Об этом и пост.


На диске у меня завалялся документик о том как подготовить среду и скомпилировать. К сожалению он немного устарел так что я его немного модернизировал.

A Quick Guide — How to setup Visual Studio 2008 on WinXP to compile builds of Shareaza

A Quick Guide — How to setup Visual Studio 2008 on WinXP to compile builds of Shareaza

1. Install:

Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
This needs to be a Full Edition preferably Team Edition and not the Express Release.

Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Feature Pack
This fixes a lot of VS2008 errors so it is a must have.
You can download the pack from

Microsoft Windows SDK
If you are installing a Full Edition of Visual Studio you should by default get Windows SDK
In my case Microsoft Windows v6.0A SDK was installed by default with Microsoft.Visual.Studio.Team.System.2008.Team.Suite.

Microsoft DirectX SDK
Must be August 2007 or earlier version, newer versions including current March 2008, are missing a needed file — dxtrans.h
You can download August 2007 from
or by using this direct link

2. Download & copy gzip.exe into your windows path eg. C:\WINDOWS\system32
I am using version 1.2.4 which you can download from http://www.gzip.org/.

3. To setup the boost library download boost_1_54_0.zip from
You will only need to extract the zipped files and not complile the library.
Uncompress boost_1_54_0.zip to a drive/folder on your PC.

4. Add VS2008 Include Dir Listings
You need to make sure that
Visual Studio is pointing to and including boost & DirectX.
Go to Tools -> Options -> Projects and Solutions -> VC++ Directories -> Win 32 — Include Files
Make sure the first two entries in this list point to boost & DirectX. If the enties are not there add them.
ie C:\Program Files\boost_1_54_0
ie C:\Program Files\Microsoft DirectX SDK (August 2007)\Include

5.Download and install Unicode Inno Setup QuickStart Pack self-installing package from
Make sure you install the "Unicode Inno Setup QuickStart Pack" not the standard setup/install. The " QuickStart Pack" incudes additional componets that are required that the standard setup does not include. Also make sure you install Inno on your C drive. I generally install my programs on another drive but found when setting up VS2005 last time that the visual studio project file used to build shareaza used a script reference to access Inno. This script assumed that Inno was installed on C drive, so not having Inno installed on C drive caused an error in compiling. To avoid this potential problem I installed Inno on my C drive this time and had no problems.

6. Download and install TortoiseSVN from http://tortoisesvn.net.
Use TortoiseSVN "Checkout" with URL repository
to download current code.

Once all the above is in place you can complile.

Open in VS2008 the following source file \vc9\Shareaza.sln
This will open the "Solution"
Go into Build ->Configuration Manager and set Shareaza build config
eg Configuration = Debug / Platform = Win32
Then select "Rebuild Solution" to start to compile
At the end of a successful compile you will find a newly compiled installer in \setup\builds folder.

The following is a useful link for keeping up to date with revision numbers and changes

As a side note, I found setting up with VS2008 was less
problematic than VS2005.

Enjoy 😉

Попытка скомпилировать Shareaza сразу после выполнения инструкции провалилась:
1 Выяснилось что потерян <limits>.
2 Также появились фишки из Windows 7 которых в XP нет.
3 Ну и RazaWebHook64.dll не компилится по умолчанию но скрипт пытается его запихать в инсталлер и не находит.

Немного покомментировав.

Index: setup/scripts/main.iss =================================================================== --- setup/scripts/main.iss	(revision 9293) +++ setup/scripts/main.iss	(working copy) @@ -240,7 +240,7 @@  #endif  Source: "{#Compiler}\{#PlatformName}\{#ConfigurationName}\RatDVDReader.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: overwritereadonly replacesameversion restartreplace uninsremovereadonly sortfilesbyextension regserver  Source: "{#Compiler}\Win32\{#ConfigurationName}\RazaWebHook32.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: overwritereadonly replacesameversion restartreplace uninsremovereadonly uninsrestartdelete sortfilesbyextension regserver noregerror -Source: "{#Compiler}\x64\{#ConfigurationName}\RazaWebHook64.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: overwritereadonly replacesameversion restartreplace uninsremovereadonly uninsrestartdelete sortfilesbyextension regserver noregerror +; Source: "{#Compiler}\x64\{#ConfigurationName}\RazaWebHook64.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: overwritereadonly replacesameversion restartreplace uninsremovereadonly uninsrestartdelete sortfilesbyextension regserver noregerror  Source: "{#Compiler}\{#PlatformName}\{#ConfigurationName}\SkinScanSKS.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: overwritereadonly replacesameversion restartreplace uninsremovereadonly sortfilesbyextension regserver  Source: "{#Compiler}\{#PlatformName}\{#ConfigurationName}\SWFPlugin.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: overwritereadonly replacesameversion restartreplace uninsremovereadonly sortfilesbyextension regserver  Source: "{#Compiler}\{#PlatformName}\{#ConfigurationName}\VirusTotal.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: overwritereadonly replacesameversion restartreplace uninsremovereadonly sortfilesbyextension regserver Index: shareaza/LibraryFolders.cpp =================================================================== --- shareaza/LibraryFolders.cpp	(revision 9293) +++ shareaza/LibraryFolders.cpp	(working copy) @@ -776,17 +776,17 @@  void CLibraryFolders::Maintain()  {  	CQuickLock oLock( Library.m_pSection ); - +/*//  	CComPtr< IShellLibrary > pIShellLib;  	if ( ( Windows.dwMajorVersion > 6 || ( Windows.dwMajorVersion == 6 && Windows.dwMinorVersion >= 1 ) ) && Settings.Library.UseWindowsLibrary )  		pIShellLib.CoCreateInstance( CLSID_ShellLibrary ); - +//*/  	for ( POSITION pos = GetFolderIterator() ; pos ; )  	{  		CLibraryFolder* pFolder = GetNextFolder( pos );  		  		pFolder->Maintain( TRUE ); - +/*//  		if ( pIShellLib && theApp.m_pfnSHCreateItemFromParsingName )  		{  			CComPtr< IShellItem > psiFolder; @@ -794,8 +794,9 @@  			if ( psiFolder )  				pIShellLib->AddFolder( psiFolder );  		} +//*/  	} - +/*//  	if ( pIShellLib )  	{  		pIShellLib->SetIcon( (LPCWSTR)CT2W( Skin.GetImagePath( IDR_LIBRARYFRAME ) ) ); @@ -803,6 +804,7 @@  		CComPtr< IShellItem > psiLibrary;  		pIShellLib->SaveInKnownFolder( FOLDERID_UsersLibraries, CLIENT_NAME_T, LSF_OVERRIDEEXISTING, &psiLibrary );  	} +//*/  }    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Index: shareaza/Shareaza.cpp =================================================================== --- shareaza/Shareaza.cpp	(revision 9293) +++ shareaza/Shareaza.cpp	(working copy) @@ -694,7 +694,7 @@  		//	oTasks.AddTask( _T("shareaza:command:search"), _T(""), LoadString( IDS_SEARCH_TASK ) + _T("..."), theApp.m_strBinaryPath, - IDR_SEARCHFRAME );  		//	oTasks.AddTask( _T("shareaza:command:download"), _T(""), LoadString( IDS_DOWNLOAD_TASK ) + _T("..."), theApp.m_strBinaryPath, - IDR_DOWNLOADSFRAME );  	 -		// For VS2008: +		/*/ For VS2008:  		CComPtr< ICustomDestinationList > pList;  		if ( SUCCEEDED( pList.CoCreateInstance( CLSID_DestinationList ) ) )  		{ @@ -724,6 +724,7 @@    			VERIFY( SUCCEEDED( pList->CommitList() ) );  		} +		//*/  	}    	return CWinApp::Register(); @@ -747,6 +748,7 @@  {  	SHAddToRecentDocs( SHARD_PATHW, lpszPathName );   +/*/   	if ( Windows.dwMajorVersion > 6 || ( Windows.dwMajorVersion == 6 && Windows.dwMinorVersion >= 1 ) )  	{  		if ( m_pfnSHCreateItemFromParsingName ) @@ -759,6 +761,7 @@  			}  		}  	} +//*/  }    CDocument* CShareazaApp::OpenDocumentFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName) Index: shareaza/StdAfx.h =================================================================== --- shareaza/StdAfx.h	(revision 9293) +++ shareaza/StdAfx.h	(working copy) @@ -173,6 +173,7 @@  #include <string>  #include <utility>  #include <vector> +#include <limits>    //  // Boost Index: shareaza/WndMain.cpp =================================================================== --- shareaza/WndMain.cpp	(revision 9293) +++ shareaza/WndMain.cpp	(working copy) @@ -435,7 +435,7 @@    	// Task Bar   -	m_pTaskbar.CoCreateInstance( CLSID_TaskbarList ); +//	m_pTaskbar.CoCreateInstance( CLSID_TaskbarList );    	// Tray   @@ -654,7 +654,7 @@    	m_brshDockbar.DeleteObject();   -	m_pTaskbar.Release(); +//	m_pTaskbar.Release();    	// Destroy main window  	CMDIFrameWnd::OnClose(); @@ -1581,7 +1581,7 @@  		m_bTrayIcon = Shell_NotifyIcon( NIM_MODIFY, &m_pTray );  	}   -	// Task Bar +	/*/ Task Bar  	if ( ! m_bTrayHide && m_pTaskbar )  	{  		CString sAppBarTip; @@ -1603,6 +1603,7 @@  		}  		m_pTaskbar->SetThumbnailTooltip( hWnd, sAppBarTip );  	} +	//*/  }    // This function runs some basic checks that everything is okay- disks, directories, local network is Index: shareaza/WndMain.h =================================================================== --- shareaza/WndMain.h	(revision 9293) +++ shareaza/WndMain.h	(working copy) @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@  	BOOL				m_bTrayIcon;			// Is tray icon available?  	BOOL				m_bTrayUpdate;			// Is tray data need to be updated?  	NOTIFYICONDATA		m_pTray;				// Tray icon data -	CComPtr< ITaskbarList3 > m_pTaskbar;		// Windows task bar +//	CComPtr< ITaskbarList3 > m_pTaskbar;		// Windows task bar  	BOOL				m_bTimer;  	CString				m_sMsgStatus;  	DWORD				m_nAlpha;				// Main window transparency (0...255)    

Удалось скомпилировать и запустить Shareaza.

Вот теперь все готово для того, чтобы внедрять в неё свою идею.

ссылка на оригинал статьи http://habrahabr.ru/post/191748/


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