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3. Если кто-то знает еще хорошее видео — пишите, добавлю в списки.
- General
- Odersky about Scala
- Play
- Akka
- Spray
- Spark
- Slick (DB)
- Scalaz
- Shapeless
- Spire (generic numeric programming)
- Functional/Reactive Programming
- Why Scala? …by a hilarious Indian guy (146,552 views)
- Functional Programming is Terrible (65,463 views), NewCircle Training
- Scala Versus Java (56,715 views)
- Scala for the Intrigued (54,085 views), NewCircle Training
- Learning Functional Programming without Growing a Neckbeard (36,213 views), NewCircle Training
- Busy Java Developer’s Guide to Scala: Thinking (17,413 views)
- Scala Monads: Declutter Your Code With Monadic Design (45,306 views), NewCircle Training
- Scala Usage at Twitter (5,493 views)
- Marius Eriksen of Twitter — Effective Scala (4,721 views)
- Explorations in Variance
- Scala Tricks (11,018 views), Oracle Learning Library
- Tutorial: Typeclasses in Scala (17,117 views)
- Scala Collections: Why Not? (28,081 views), Paul Phillips a co-founder of Typesafe
- Guerilla Scala Programming at eBay (8,203 views)
- Joshua Suereth — Effective Scala (4,879 views)
- The Future of Scala (173 views), Adriaan Moors, the Scala tech lead at Typesafe
- Welcome to Scala 2.11 (6,157 views)
- Dead-Simple Dependency Injection (14,368 views), Rúnar Óli Bjarnason, Scalaz library contributor
- May Your Data Ever Be Coherent (6,359 views), Daniel Spiewak
- Concurrency Anti-patterns in Scala (6,295 views)
- Macros vs Types (5,342 views)
- Scala Typeclassopedia (6,886 views)
- Effective Scala (6,874 views), Josh Suereth, author of «Scala In Depth»
- Building a Data Science Platform in Scala (6,604 views)
- Learn about Efficient Functional IO in Scala (3,296 views)
- Premature Optimization in Scala (5,474 views)
- Simplicity In Scala Design (5,514 views), Bill Venners
- How to Write a Functional Program with IO, Mutation, and other effects (5,807 views)
- scala.collection.approximate (4,556 views)
- Scala Usage at LinkedIn (6,976 views)
- Scala & Data Science Fun with Folks from Linkedin & eBay (4,034 views)
Odersky about Scala
- Martin Odersky, «Working Hard to Keep It Simple» — OSCON Java 2011 (80,087 views), O’Reilly
- Martin Odersky: Scala with Style (44,510 views), NewCircle Training
- The Scala Experiment (22,107 views), GoogleTechTalks
- Scala — A Scalable Language (21,592 views),
- Scala — the Simple Parts (18,676 views),
- Intel hosts Dr. Martin Odersky presenting Scala 2.10 (15,326 views), Typesafe
- What’s Next for Scala (12,171 views), NewCircle Training
- The Binary Compatibility Challenge (3,037 views)
- The Play Framework at LinkedIn: Productivity and Performance at Scale (50,387 views)
- Introduction to the Play Framework (30,961 views), Oracle Learning Library
- Introduction to Play Framework for Java developers (27,822 views), Typesafe
- Introduction to Play Framework for Java developers (12,889 views), not in Scala but in Java
- Introduction to Play Framework for Scala developers (14,477 views), Typesafe
- Optimizing Play for Production (7,229 views), Typesafe
- Introduction to Views in the Play Framework (6,193 views)
- Non-blocking, composable and reactive realtime web (8,638 views)
- Reactive Streams and Play 3.0 (2,802 views), Typesafe
- Akka 2.0: Scaling Up & Out With Actors (12,199 views), Viktor Klang, tech lead of Akka at Typesafe
- Akka: A Shiny New Hammer. Now Show Me Some Nails Already! (4,745 views)
- Asynchronous & Non-Blocking Scala — A look at Netty & NIO for Async Networking via Scala (6,340 views)
- Having Fun with Play! 2, Akka and Websocket (6,001 views)
- Failure: The Good Parts (4,951 views), Typesafe
- Intro to Akka persistence (5,065 views), Typesafe
- Akka Typed Channels: Implementing Type Calculations as Macros (2,723 views)
- Composable Futures with Akka 2.0 (12,745 views)
- Spray on Akka (13,875 views), Typesafe
- Simple, fast & agile REST with Spray.io (3,460 views)
- Spray & Akka HTTP (2,047 views), Typesafe
- REST on Akka (7,241 views)
- Parallel Programming with Spark (18,873 views)
- Intro to Apache Spark Training (52,670 views)
- Mining Big Data with Apache Spark (9,697 views)
- Spark and the Typesafe Reactive Platform (260 views), Typesafe
- Big Data Scala with Spark (5,060 views)
Slick (DB)
Slick — это фреймворк для построения функционально-реляционных отображений (как JPA и Hibernate — API/фреймворк для объектно-реляционных отображений (ORM))
- Introducing Slick 2.0.0! (5,816 views), Typesafe
- Typesafe Slick — Bay Area Scala Enthusiasts (5,261 views)
- Webinar: Introducing Slick 2.0.0! (5,818 views)
- Slick for database access in Scala (589 views)
- Scalaz State Monad (12,941 views)
- Learning Scalaz (6,743 views), NewCircle Training
- An Introduction to Scalaz-Stream (6,010 views), NewCircle Training
- Scalaz 7 with Lars Hupel (3,791 views)
- Scalaz: the history, the motivation, the battles, the future (786 views), Tony Morris, author of Scalaz
- Scalaz for the Rest of Us (4,996 views)
- Shapeless: Exploring Generic Programming in Scala (5,695 views), Miles Sabin author of Shapeless
- Shapeless Meets Implicit Macros (3,178 views), Miles Sabin author of Shapeless
- Lenses: Fields as Values (753 views)
Spire (generic numeric programming)
- Life After Monoids (6,550 views), Tom Switzer is a senior R&D engineer at Precog and is the co-author of a generic numeric programming library called Spire
Functional/Reactive Programming
- Functional Programming (39,450 views), Erik Meijer
- The Lost Art of Denotational Semantics (3,704 views), Eric Meijer
- Functional Patterns for the Asynchronous Web (9,074 views)
- Lenses: A Functional Imperative, Boston Area Scala Enthusiasts meeting at Google in Cambridge
- Advanced Stream Processing in Scala (9,036 views), Paul Chiusano author of «Functional Programming in Scala»
- Why Big Data Needs To Be Functional (4,586 views)
- What does it mean to be Reactive? (23,166 views), Erik Meijer
- Monads and Gonads (65,456 views), JavaScript, GoogleTechTalks
- Functional Thinking with Neal Ford (27,977 views), Java 8
- Functional Programming (39,450 views), Erik Meijer
- Building Enigma with State Monad and Lenses, Scala
ссылка на оригинал статьи http://habrahabr.ru/post/256651/
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