Есть специальная программное обеспечение, например Algosec или Tufin, но простая Python программа может сделать почти то же самое.
Серьёзными проблемами для больших фаерволов могут быть повторяющиеся правила, затенённые правила, а также группы правил которые можно объединить.
Я подготовил упрощенную конфигурацию для SRX:
set security policies global policy gl1 match source-address og1 set security policies global policy gl1 match destination-address og12 set security policies global policy gl1 match application junos-ssh set security policies global policy gl1 then permit set security policies global policy gl2 match source-address og1 set security policies global policy gl2 match source-address og3 set security policies global policy gl2 match source-address on1 set security policies global policy gl2 match destination-address og12 set security policies global policy gl2 match destination-address og4 set security policies global policy gl2 match destination-address on2 set security policies global policy gl2 match application junos-http set security policies global policy gl2 then permit set security policies global policy glpol1 match source-address app_c_b set security policies global policy glpol1 match destination-address og3 set security policies global policy glpol1 match application junos-https set security policies global policy glpol1 then permit set security policies global policy glt1 match source-address og1_5_6 set security policies global policy glt1 match destination-address og1_7_8 set security policies global policy glt1 match application junos-ssh set security policies global policy glt1 then permit set security policies global policy glt2 match source-address og1_5_6_cl set security policies global policy glt2 match destination-address og1_7_8 set security policies global policy glt2 match application junos-ssh set security policies global policy glt2 then permit set security policies global policy glt3 match source-address og5_6 set security policies global policy glt3 match destination-address og7_8 set security policies global policy glt3 match application junos-ssh set security policies global policy glt3 then permit set security policies global policy glt4 match source-address og5_6 set security policies global policy glt4 match destination-address og7_8 set security policies global policy glt4 match destination-address app_a_b set security policies global policy glt4 match application junos-ssh set security policies global policy glt4 then permit set security policies global policy glt5 match source-address og5_6 set security policies global policy glt5 match source-address app_c_b set security policies global policy glt5 match destination-address og7_8 set security policies global policy glt5 match destination-address app_a_b set security policies global policy glt5 match application junos-ssh set security policies global policy glt5 then permit set security policies global policy glt2cl match source-address og1_5_6_cl set security policies global policy glt2cl match destination-address og1_7_8 set security policies global policy glt2cl match application junos-ssh set security policies global policy glt2cl then permit set security policies global policy glt4ag match source-address og5_6 set security policies global policy glt4ag match destination-address og7_8 set security policies global policy glt4ag match destination-address app_a_b set security policies global policy glt4ag match application junos-https set security policies global policy glt4ag then permit
python программа считывает и пробразует в CSV файл
gl1;['og1'];['og12'];['junos-ssh'] gl2;['og1', 'og3', 'on1'];['og12', 'og4', 'on2'];['junos-http'] glpol1;['app_c_b'];['og3'];['junos-https'] glt1;['og1_5_6'];['og1_7_8'];['junos-ssh'] glt2;['og1_5_6_cl'];['og1_7_8'];['junos-ssh'] glt3;['og5_6'];['og7_8'];['junos-ssh'] glt4;['og5_6'];['app_a_b', 'og7_8'];['junos-ssh'] glt5;['app_c_b', 'og5_6'];['app_a_b', 'og7_8'];['junos-ssh'] glt2cl;['og1_5_6_cl'];['og1_7_8'];['junos-ssh'] glt4ag;['og5_6'];['app_a_b', 'og7_8'];['junos-https']
В первом столбце имя, во втором python list с объектами адресов источника, в третьем назначения и в четвертом приложение.
вторая программа ищет либо полное соотвествие объектов, что означает повторяющееся правило, а значит одно из них можно удалить, либо ищет правила где объекты являются подмножеством объектов другого правила, что означает затененое правило (shadow), либо ищет правила где две группы объектов совпадают, а значит два правила можно сгрупировать по третьему столбцу.
далее python
#!/usr/bin/python3 # usage " python srx_policy_to_csv fw_name " ------- SRX FW to create CSV file with policies import csv, sys from sys import argv args = sys.argv # Set the input and output file names input_file = args[1] +'.conf' # "juniper_srx_policies .csv" output_file = args[1] + '_all.csv' # "_all.csv" csv_list = [] # Open the input and output files with open(input_file, "r") as f, open(output_file, "w", newline="") as out_file: reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=" ") writer = csv.writer(out_file, delimiter=';') # semicolon delimiter policy_name = '' src_list , dst_list, app_list = [] , [] , [] for row in reader: # Loop over each row in the input file rrr = row if row == []: continue if not (row[0] == "set"): continue if ((row[0] == "set") and (row[1] == "security") and (row[2] == "policies") and ("policy" in row)): if ((policy_name == row[(row.index('policy')+1)])): # print(row) if ("source-address" in row): src_list.append( row[(row.index('source-address')+1)] ) if ("destination-address" in row): dst_list.append( row[(row.index('destination-address')+1)] ) if ("application" in row): app_list.append( row[(row.index('application')+1)] ) else: src_list.sort() dst_list.sort() app_list.sort() outstr = policy_name+','+ str(src_list)+','+str(dst_list)+','+str(app_list) if not policy_name == '': csv_list.append(outstr) writer.writerow([policy_name, str(src_list), str(dst_list), str(app_list)]) # print( ' added ',outstr, ' to ', csv_list) policy_name = row[(row.index('policy')+1)] src_list , dst_list, app_list = [] , [] , [] if ("source-address" in row): src_list.append( row[(row.index('source-address')+1)] ) if ("destination-address" in row): dst_list.append( row[(row.index('destination-address')+1)] ) if ("application" in row): app_list.append( row[(row.index('application')+1)] ) src_list.sort() dst_list.sort() app_list.sort() outstr = policy_name+','+ str(src_list)+','+str(dst_list)+','+str(app_list) csv_list.append(outstr) writer.writerow([policy_name, str(src_list), str(dst_list), str(app_list)]) print(' --------- ') print(csv_list) print(' --------- ')
и второй
#!/usr/bin/python3 # usage " python shadow.py fw_name" --- search SRX duplicate shadow rules file_path = 'conf _all.csv' import csv, sys, re, ast, ipaddress, pandas as pd from sys import argv def c_s_t_l(string): # convert a string that looks like a list to an actual list try: # convert_string_to_list(string): return ast.literal_eval(string) # Return list except (ValueError, SyntaxError): return string # Return the original string if it's not a list ############## main args = sys.argv # Set the input and output file names file_path = args[1]+'_all.csv' # read " juniper_srx policies .csv" textfile = open(file_path, "r") textf = textfile.read() d_output_file = args[1] +'_dup_source_dest.csv' # write " _dup.csv" f_output_file = args[1] +'_dup_full.csv' # write " _dup.csv" s_output_file = args[1] +'_sha.csv' # write " _sha.csv" dtextfile = open(d_output_file, "w") ftextfile = open(f_output_file, "w") stextfile = open(s_output_file, "w") nlines = textf.strip().splitlines() nlines1 = nlines c1, c2, c3 = 0 , 0 , 0 for fline in nlines: row = fline.split(';') # Split each line by (';') for fline1 in nlines1: row1 = fline1.split(';') # Split each line by (';') if row[0] == row1[0]: continue if ((c_s_t_l(row[1]) == (c_s_t_l(row1[1]))) and ((c_s_t_l(row[2])) == (c_s_t_l(row1[2])))): # find duplicate if (c_s_t_l(row[3]) == (c_s_t_l(row1[3]))): c1 = c1 + 1 print(' ----------- ',c1 , file=ftextfile) print(row , file=ftextfile) print(row1 , file=ftextfile) continue else: c2 = c2 + 1 print(' ----------- ',c2 , file=dtextfile) print(row , file=dtextfile) print(row1 , file=dtextfile) continue if (set(c_s_t_l(row[1])).issubset(c_s_t_l(row1[1])) and set(c_s_t_l(row[2])).issubset(c_s_t_l(row1[2])) and set(c_s_t_l(row[3])).issubset(c_s_t_l(row1[3]))): c3 = c3 + 1 print(' ----------- ',c3 , file=stextfile) print(row , file=stextfile) print(row1 , file=stextfile) # continue
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