How to install windows 10 to contabo vps

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We can install windows 10 for you just 100 USD ($300 — tutoring, 3 hours), Windows Server 2016/2019 — 150 USD if you use our referral link for buy contabo vps or use free how to for install windows youself

If you want to make order for install windows to your VPS, we need to get login and password of your Contabo account. Or you need reboot your vps to rescue mode (clonzilla) yourself and give us VNC IP:port and VNC Password.and give us VNC IP:port and VNC Password.

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  1. Boot to rescue (Clonzilla)
  2. Connect trough vnc client
  3. Enter shell
  4. Login to root
    1. $sudo su —
  5. Make partition(all command in script see bellow)
    1. Using parted or fdisk
      1. #parted /dev/sda
    2. Make mbr table
    3. Create 3 partition
      1. 0G -> 8G ntfs 
      2. 8G -> max-size -20GB ntfs 
      3. max-size -20gb > max-size  ext4
    4. Make 1 partition bootable and leave parted
      1. (parted) set 1 boot on
    6. Format drives
      1. #mkfs.ntfs -f /dev/sda1
      2. #mkfs.ntfs -f /dev/sda2
      3. #mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda3
    7. Mount them
      1. #mkdir /mnt/sda1 && mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1
      2. #mkdir /mnt/sda3 && mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/sda3
    8. Go to temporary storage
      1. #cd /mnt/sda3
    9. Download windows iso
      1. #wget
    10. Download virtio drivers
      1. #wget
    11. Mount iso
      1. #mkdir /mnt/cd
      2. #mount -o loop /mnt/sda3/1903-iso-64 /mnt/cd
    12. Copy all files from cd to first partition amd unmount cd
      1. #cp -av /mnt/cd/* /mnt/sda1/
      2. #umount /mnt/cd
    13. Install wimtools
      1. #apt install software-properties-common
      2. #add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8
      3. #apt install wimtools
    14. #mkdir /mnt/wim
    15. Mount virtio iso and copy it to sda1
      1. #mount /mnt/sda3/virtio-win.iso /mnt/cd
      2. #mkdir /mnt/sda1/virtio && cp -av /mnt/cd/* /mnt/sda1/virtio
    16. copy to wim
      1. #wimmountrw /mnt/sda1/sources/boot.wim 1 /mnt/wim
      2. #mkdir /mnt/wim/virtio
      3. # cp -av /mnt/cd/* /mnt/wim/virtio
      4. #wimunmount —commit /mnt/wim
  1. Copy to wim 2
    1. #wimmountrw /mnt/sda1/sources/boot.wim 2 /mnt/wim
    2. #mkdir /mnt/wim/virtio
    3. # cp -av /mnt/cd/* /mnt/wim/virtio
    4. #wimunmount —commit /mnt/wim
  1. #sync
  2. Unmount all
    1. #cd /tmp
    2. #umount /mnt/cd
    3. #umount /mnt/sda1
  3. Download ms-sys app
    1. #wget

#chmod +x ms-sys

  1. Make boot sections
    1. #ms-sys -n /dev/sda1
    2. #ms-sys -7 /dev/sda


Process installation over vnc as usual

Browse driver in X:/virtio/amd64/w10/

You can delete partition 3 and create new partition 2 with size of part 2+ part 3

Partition 1 is still needed

After windows installed 

You can add first partition in disk manager with letter D:

After perform autosearch network card driver on D:\virtio

Remove D: driver letter

Configure RDP

Note*: to use RDP install atleast win PRO


 5*  (Part 5 in short)

Partition (according to disk size 215GB)


#chmod +x


Check partition tables

  • Install


!Probably iso link can be broken so replace it

#chmod +x





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